Despite still refusing to speak much, Sean's growth has been bringing much joy and despair to us. =D Why do I say that?
Joy... because he can be really charming when he wants to. He never used to respond when I said smile. Now he's full of goofy smiles and silly grins. Which is why he doesn't get punished very often.
Despair.. because he is so stubborn! His stubbornness seems to grow as he grows older.
Since he found the small plastic balls, he's been messing the whole house everyday. Sometimes I clean up, sometimes I leave it to the maid. But this can't go on forever.
This afternoon, we went down and he immediately went to the ball baskets and turned it upside down. He was so proud that he messed the living room. This was it! I told him to pick the balls up and he looked at me "innocently". As I kept repeating myself, his look became more and more stubborn. We came to a stand still. I punished him (sitting on chair), swatted his foot (which kicked the ball instead of picking up), and told him " No food, No TV, no toys, until he picked up all the balls". When he was still not responding. I asked " Are you comfortable on that chair?" He nodded, so I said " No chair!" and got him to sit on the floor, which of course made him cry harder.
Seriously, there weren't that many balls since I've already helped to put back some, but he just refused to pick them up. He preferred to cry his crocodile tears and still tried to sucker up his mummy. This went on for 1/2 hour, when he finally picked up a few balls and put them into the basket.
I could have saved myself a lot of energy repeating myself "Pick up the balls and put the into the basket" 50 times and did the clean up myself in less than 5 minutes. But I just felt that he has to learn to do it himself. It took a lot more energy to get him to do it though. =P
Aura Banding Royal Belum
9 years ago
yes very takes more effort to teach them than to do it ourselves, but remember that the lesson sticks with them forever :) I laughed at the part where you took away the chair!! hahaha
Yeah.. it's seriously exasperating to teach them to do things. But we gotta do it... That's our duty as mummies, right?
Hide the balls!
It is more effective to use reward system than punishment.
Hi my babybay.
Yeah that's what I did. After this episode, I picked up all the balls and hid them again! =P
I feel it's better to just take away the offending objects rather than to punish him too often.
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