Last Wednesday, I had to stay within sight and in the same classroom with Sean, otherwise he would cry and refused to stay.
Today, things were better. I stayed the whole 31/2 hours at the school while Sean had his lessons. In the morning I walked him into his classroom and stayed for a few minutes, and kept telling him ' Mummy cannot stay inside, I'll be outside' It went pretty well. He still came out and looked for me every 20 minutes, and I would walk him into the classroom again. In the meantime, I had my coffee, chatted with a grandmother who was accompanying her grandson who is also a new student, and read a book.
The separation anxiety has lessened. He no longer tears up if he doesn't see me at every moment. In fact, I think it's easier if I don't hover around too close. It seems the moment he sees my face outside the classroom he tears up and wants to get out. So I made myself scarce. He pooped and the teacher cleaned him up. I didn't interfere. After all, when I'm not there in the future, the teachers will have to handle all these things.
I also told the teachers that they can be a bit more tough on him and spell out the rules to him. To tell him that at school he has to listen to the teachers. Although I don't want to put Sean in a school that is too regimented, I feel that a certain level of discipline is good for Sean.
At the end of playgroup, the teacher told me that Sean had made a friend already, and should be ready to be left at school after several more days. And once he can be dropped off by himself, maybe I can go for an exercise class. Woo Hooo!!!....=P
Aura Banding Royal Belum
9 years ago
is this a new arrangement for sean? I thot he has been attending a playgrp for sometime ??? is such seperation anxiety what I shld be expecting soon too ???? gulp....
Sean has attended playgroup where I'm also a participant. This new Kinddy on Tuesday and Wednesday is a proper kinddy where I drop him off for the morning. I'm still there because I'm doing the separation slowly. As it is, I had to stay within the same room in the first week. 2nd week, I'm still in school but tried to be out of sight.
This kinddy allow me to hang around until Sean is comfortable to being left at school. Other kinddies are a little different. Many follow the 'cry it out' method which I'm not comfortable with.
hey there,
i've heard of this nakorn sari.
can i stay the whole time my son is there though?
i've got 'issues' about him picking up bad habits, or him mistreating others. i feel that i should be there to stop it there and then..
how many hours are their classes? can go once a week, that sorta thing? payment? thanks :D
Hi Rayhana,
You can stay there until your son is adjusted. Nancy the owner is very flexible. But I found that it was best to leave after a while If you hang on too long at school, it's harder for them to adapt to school life.
About picking up bad habits, I don't think you can stop him there and then because you can't be there all the time. Nakorn is lots of fun but isn't the most disciplined and organised place.
Yes you can go once a week.
Registration is Rm200, Deposit Rm 300. One semester (ard 3 months) for once a week is about Rm600.
But if you just want a playgroup, have you heard of Playcentre library? It's a place for us mums and dads to bring our child once a week. It's more for play. It's cheap rm 5 per session. But we have to take turns to do duties.
Hey mamalina,
thanks for replying!
ah, ok thanks for the info.
nope haven't heard of play centre library.. would you kindly give me some info?
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