We went back to see the Pediatrician from the hospital the next morning just for routine check up. The doctor said he seemed ok since he was already gaining his voice back and had no more fever. He said that we did not have to finish the whole bottle of Prednisone syrup, which is a corticosteroid, and only had to give him for another day.
We were wondering what caused his sudden extra naughtiness. Maybe while he was sick he was obedient, now that he is feeling fine, he wants to do everything at once, and therefor the comparison makes it look like he was naughtier than ever? He really could not sit still, jumping on the bed and running here and there, just like an energizer bunny. He was very reckless and deviant.
However, once we stopped the prednisone yesterday, I noticed that his behavior improved. Today, his voice is already back and he is back to normal behavior. I strongly suspect that the prednisone was the cause of this particular behavior.
It is a good thing that we did not have to finish the whole bottle. The list of side effects of taking Prednisone is long and scary!
From About.com
Prednisone Side Effects
The most common side effects of taking prednisone include muscle weakness, osteoporosis, fractures, Cushing's syndrome, pituitary-adrenal axis suppression, growth suppression, glucose intolerance, acne, edema, hypertension, hypokalemia, alkalosis, cataracts, glaucoma, peptic ulcer, nausea, vomiting, headache, vertigo, seizures, psychoses, pseudotumor cerebri, and skin atrophy. Some kids also develop mood swings, become irritable, and have trouble sleeping when they take prednisone.
Most side effects, especially growth suppression, edema, and immune system problems are going to be worse with long term use of Prednisone and less likely with the short term course that most children take for typical asthma attacks or for relief from poison ivy, etc.
What You Need To Know
Although one of the more useful medicines in Pediatrics, especially when you see the dramatic effects prednisone has on a child with a severe asthma attack, it can have serious side effects when overused or misused and it should only be prescribed when it is really necessary.
Other important information:
- your child should not take prednisone if he has a systemic fungal infection or has a known hypersensitivity to prednisone
- call your Pediatrician if your child is taking prednisone and has been exposed to measles or chickenpox
- if your child has asthma and is frequently taking prednisone, then he really should be on a daily preventative medicine, such as Advair, instead