Sunday, January 31, 2010

Activity: : Letter writing

Last week Sean showed an interest in writing. It came up out of the blue.

Sean : I want to write to Opa Oma (my parents).
Me : Ok.

So I gave him a blank piece of paper and spelled out the letters. He couldn't manage the size really well. It's a good thing the letters are really short, otherwise the letters would be everywhere on the page.

The letter simply says:

To: Opa Oma. I love you. (I helped him with the spelling, of course)

He also drew a red truck for them.

I told him that we'll send the letter by mail. He was really excited about it. I managed to convince him to write 2 more letters. This time to Fendi and Frederick, his cousins and to Akong and Ama. I made boxes for each letter in the next letter. He needed help with letter 'k' and 'r' initially, but managed to get it quite well on his own later on. It came out a lot neater, but not as original as the first one though.

Maybe once he gets the idea that he needs to size each letter so that he can fit a word on a line, I'll get him to write without the boxes.

I decorated an envelope and then we went to the Post Office to buy a stamp and to post his letter on Monday.

Today, out of the blue, he wanted to write again. So this time he wrote to Uncle John and I helped to post it on his Facebook page for Uncle John. Of course, he got a reply really soon from Uncle John. But I only saw it after he fell asleep. So I've got to remember to show Uncle John's reply to him tomorrow.


Bryan and Brandon's Mama said...

Wow Sean can write - how impressive!!!! Very very cute :)

Mamalina said...

LOL... I only scan the best one.